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WWT London Wetland Centre Wildlife Film / Documentary

Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 11:42AM
Tags: wildlife, video, sony, ex3
Filed in: Webfilm and video production
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Over the last few weeks I've been working on this project for the WWT London Wetland Centre in Barnes.

It was a great project to be involved with and I'm really pleased with the results.

Filming luckily coincided with my having a Vinten 3AS tripod on loan from them so it was a good opportunity to put that through it's paces. It performed well, even though the setup I was running was a bit heavy for the spring in the head. Vinten are kindly sending me a stronger spring to try out though.

Most of the wildlife shots in the film were shot using my Sigma 100-300 F4 lens on my Sony EX3. I used the Adaptimax adaptor to couple the two. The landscape shots were all using the standard EX3 lens.

The London Wetland Centre are showing the film in their Art Gallery so if you're down there check it out!

Great crested grebe courtship display, mating and nesting

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 06:06PM
Tags: wildlife, video, sony, ex3
Filed in: Webfilm and video production
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As part of my involvment with the WWT wetland nature reserve in London I was lucky enough to film the extrodianry display of these breeding Great Crested Grebes.

It was the first time I've seen this, let alone film it, and was thrilled that the light was so good. It was great to witness the whole sequence of the initial display, followed by the collecting and showing-off of weeds and then nest building and mating. It all took place during a few hours in the morning.

I used the Vinten 3AS tripod, that Vinten have kindly lent me, which is defaintely a big step up from my old head for these kinds of zoom levels.

HD video of Chiffchaff filmed at Exminster Marsh

Friday, March 26, 2010 at 06:56PM
Tags: wildlife, video, sony, ex3
Filed in: Webfilm and video production
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I filmed this at Exminster Marsh nature reserve the other day.

You can view the 720p HD version here.

Equipment: Sony EX3 with Sigma 100-300 F4, Adaptimax lens adaptor. Manfrotto 503 head.
Shutter Speed / frame rate: 1/250th, S+Q Motion 60fps.

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