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New webfilm production: Beer YHA

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 03:44PM
Tags: video, webfilm
Filed in: Webfilm and video production
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Jon Norman from Beer YHA wanted to make a promotional film showing the Beer YHA youth hostel. The film was shot over two days including a special event for The Big Lunch.

We used all the gear to put this film together, making good use of the jib and tracking equipment to get some really stylish and cinematic shots. The film follows our 'webfilm' format, based on an interview and cutting away to shot to give context and maintain an exciting rhythm.

This film runs a bit longer than a typical webfilm due to the extra number of points Jon wanted to make. The film is also designed to be distributed on DVD where the longer running time would be expected. It still works equally well online, however.

The Beer YHA is a stunning building set in the charming seaside town of Beer on the south coast of Devon.