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New SetSeed powered website design: Limited Company Band

Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 02:32PM
Tags: design, portfolio
Filed in: Website design portfolio
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Limited Company Band” is an Exeter based events, wedding and function band. They came to Phototropic for help getting higher up on search engines as well as wanting to control their own content. Learn more about our Bath, Bradford-on-Avon & Devizes website design service.

We delivered on all accounts with an almost instant improvement in search engine positioning for their main key phrases, as well as letting them fully control their own content with SetSeed. They make good use of the blog system to add new pages detailing events and other news. This in itself was suggested as part of our search engine appraisal and is a good technique to increase search engine coverage.

SetSeed features used by Limited Company Band

Task based interface

RSS Feeds

Contact Forms

Page Preview and Version Control

Videos, Image Galleries and Images


This is what Owen Lane from Limited Company Band said about us:

SetSeed is really good and easy to use!

New SetSeed powered website: Tale Valley Community Theatre

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 03:51PM
Tags: cms, setseed, design, portfolio
Filed in: Website design portfolio
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Tale Valley Community Theatre were let down by another local Exeter web design company when their old website went down and was never brought back up.

Phototropic came up with a new website design, based on some artwork supplied by a member of their group, and then integrated this into SetSeed so they could continue to control their own content themselves. TVCT have many videos so SetSeed's integrated video system is of great use to them.

SetSeed features used by TVCT

Task based interface

Contact Forms



Page Preview and Version Control

Image Galleries

RSS Feeds

Page Protection


This is what John Somers from Tale Valley Community Theatre said about us:

Ben Vallack provides an outstanding website design service. He took the material we provided and made a very attractive website which is easy to use and, crucially, allows us to edit content and upload new material. He is enthusiastic and reliable .... highly recommended.

New SetSeed powered website: Fantastic Illuminations

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 02:57PM
Tags: cms, setseed, design, portfolio
Filed in: Website design portfolio
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Dan Haygarth from Fantastic Illuminations had an ageing flash-based website which naturally wasn't performing well on search engines, and was very difficult for him and his team to maintain. Learn more about our Bath, Bradford-on-Avon & Devizes website design service.

Phototropic came up with a new search-engine accessible website for Fantastic Illuminations, and powered it with SetSeed so they could easily control their own content. The website serves two purposes. One is to showcase their extensive events lighting service and the other is to sell products. SetSeed's built-in eCommerce system makes this simple and they have added hundreds of products to their site.

SetSeed features in use by Fantastic Illuminations

Task based interface

Contact Forms

Page Preview and Version Control

Multiple Users

Image Galleries and videos

Email Newsletter



This is what Dan Haygarth from Fantastic Illuminations said about us:

Phototropic (Ben Vallack) demystifies the black magic world of web site design and more importantly for us, the ability to make changes, add pages etc in real time without the need of any third party companies. It is a dream, simple, straight forward and good value. If you need to edit your web site content on a regular basis to keep your site current and fresh I have no hesitation in recommending Phototropic Productions.

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